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The Suffering of Shingles

Updated: Aug 2

  A few months ago, severe itchiness sent me to a dermatologist. After getting a shot and some cream to put on my skin, I was OK, but the itchiness returned. This time, with no desire for injecting more chemical into my body, I let it run its course. Soon the itchiness turned into blisters that covered my inner elbows, armpit, chest, neck, and the top of my ears and I had terrifying pain. I stayed in bed all day, constantly scratching. My left arm had to be raised all the time because of the blisters and puss like stuff in the armpit. Also, because of the blisters all around my neck, I could not put my head on a pillow, nor could I turn my head slightly without popping the blisters. So I had to sit in bed praying to God until I was so sleepy that I just fainted on the pillow. The pictures I took looked scary. I realized my condition was serious and I needed to be seen.

  Since I did not believe in treating symptoms any more, I remembered Dr. Yang, who saw me years ago.  He would be the only Oriental Medicine doctor I could trust with this sudden and scary illness. From past experience, I knew that many people went to Dr. Yang for serious illnesses that other doctors could not treat. When I arrived at Dr. Yang's office, the pain and itchiness had sucked most of my energy out. Dr. Yang took a look at my tongue, felt my pulse and said "Shingles. Combination of needling and herbal medicine works fast."  Indeed, right after the acupunctural needles were pulled out, my neck felt less stiff and painful. I slept a lot better at night, but was still battling the itchiness and pain.

  Two days after the first treatment, I felt much better and could even cook a simple meal myself. My neighbor, who sent meals to me in the past few days, was surprised that the blisters on my neck were shrinking.

  On the third day, I went to Dr. Yang again.  He put even bigger needles in my back, legs and arms, but strangely I did not feel any pain. I guess the suffering from severe pain and itchiness had overpowered my fear of needles! The next day, the scabs on my neck and chest started to fall off and no new blisters emerged! When my neighbor saw me, the first thing she said was "May I have your doctor's name? Just in case I need it. "She thought it was very weird that it only took 5 days and two treatments to clear out the blisters.

  About 20 days has passed since my first treatment by Dr. Yang, I am still drinking the herbal medicine he prescribed and I had a total of 7 acupuncture treatments so far to rebalance my chi and release the dampness and heat in my system. All the itchiness and pain has gone. As I continued to drink the herbal medicine, I noticed my stool increased in volume and was horribly smelly and sticky, even with an almost vegetarian diet. I think it might be the process of detoxification to shore up my immune systems.

  My life is back to normal now. I am very grateful for Dr. Yang and admire his ability to correctly diagnose, quickly and effectively treat an urgent situation like mine.

Susan W.

September 19, 2017


  幾個月前,我突然感到其癢無比, 胳膊肘前的皮膚抓爛也不解癢,只好跑去皮膚科醫生。 打一針內固醇,擦點藥膏,果然萬事大吉。 然而,不久又發了。 這次比上次更嚴重。 腋窩很快爛得嚇人。 脖子周圍,耳朵後面都是水泡, 又痛又癢。 我想先扛扛看, 也許這疹子出來就好了。 沒想到, 突然整個脖子都紅腫發硬,不能轉彎了, 而且癢得沒辦法,痛得我直打哆嗦。我想得馬上看醫生。但不能再看西醫了。要治本只能看中醫!

  看誰呢? 想起以前看過的楊磊醫師, 很多人有疑難雜癥就去找他。 看來只有他能快速搞定。 楊醫師一看說是帶狀皰疹,要針藥並用, 見效快。果然,一個小時以後,針一拔,脖子就靈活多了。兩天以後疹子已經變小,萎縮。 五天以後全部脫落,不再痛癢。我的生活又恢覆了正常。 知道或得過這個病的朋友都說不可思議,這麽快就好了。楊醫師讓我繼續喝中藥, 結果我排出很多極臭的大便,小便更是比平時頻繁, 還不停地打屁,氣色卻比以前好多了。


Susan W.

2017 年9 月

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