Winter illness means the most common disorders and seasonal formula of moxibustion for winter illness (the prevailing illness in winter). Moxibustion following the 24 Solar Terms, and it is now the term of Summer Solstice, it is the non-substitutable season to treat or prevent for the seasoning illness including: Asthma, Arthritis, Lupus, Infertility, Dysmenorrhea, Bronchitis, Chronic back pain, prostate enlargement, Erectile dysfunction (ED), Indigestion, autoimmune disorders, etc.
Essential link of the organs. Do you know? Kidneys control--- bones, hormones, courageous. Kidneys deficiency may lead to:
Types of disorders | Syndromes | Note |
Osteoporosis | Arthritis, hips pain, knee pain, spinal pain, bulging discs, peripheral neuropathy, etc. | Starting from the left kidney degenerating, age over 50, or earlier due to poor body constitution. All the joints are bones. |
Bone Spurs | Severe, chronic lower back pain, tingling of the limbs or hands, feet, Migraines (you might be surprised, but it is absolutely true, of course, it can be treated as well) | When kidneys are deficient, all the related tissues are “swelling”, same as bones, including vertebrae. In another words, strengthen the kidneys, swelling goes away, spurs are “shrink”. |
Hormonal disorder | Menopause syndrome, insomnia, anxiety, hot flashes, skin rashes, etc. | Kidneys are the essential resource of hormones. That’s why slow development of kids, early menopause, etc, are contribute to kidneys deficiency. |
Mood | Fear, lack of motivation, lethargic | Kidneys are corresponding fear in the emotions. |
Marrows | Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Parkinson’s Disease(PD) | Brain is the “sea of marrow” |
Solutions: the most effective solutions for the kidneys deficiency including:
Diet: dark color of food, such as black sesame, black mushroom, black beans, etc. Nuts, any nuts are good for kidneys;
Special back rotations, tilting and twisting, slow motions.
Moxibustion: best quickest and easiest way to boost up the kidney energy. Summer and winter are the best seasons for kidneys by moxa.
I just share my limited knowledge from my clinical practice, if you have any question or disagreement, you are very welcome to contact me by email or visiting. Wishing you and your family with ultimate health and joy!
三伏灸的關鍵:時間(timing)--T, 方法(method)---M
艾灸階段 | 功效 | 主治 |
伏前培元灸 | 培補元氣,散寒祛濕 | 四肢冰冷,困乏嗜睡腰痠腿痛,頭痛眩暈 |
初伏 | 培補元氣,養心健脾 | 肢冷便溏,胸悶心痛 |
中伏灸 | 培補元氣,健脾強肺 | 過敏哮喘,消瘦體弱免疫力低下,失眠 |
末伏 | 培補元氣,溫經散寒 健脾養心,益氣養血 | 脾濕過重,皮膚濕疹體重增加,哮喘咳嗽 |
伏後固本灸 | 溫補脾腎,祛瘀散寒 | 免疫力低下,呼吸短促心律不齊,失眠多夢 |
M: 選對經絡穴位,掌握順逆補瀉。最好明白自己的體質,知道就的重點。
1. 哮喘、慢性支氣管炎、各種慢性咽炎等多種肺系疾病;
2. 過敏性鼻炎,四肢寒涼怕冷,免疫低下,反復感冒;
3. 虛寒頭痛、慢性虛寒、胃腸炎、潰瘍病、腹瀉、消化不良、厭食、胃痛;
4. 風濕與類風濕性關節炎等骨關節問題及頸肩腰腿痛等症狀;
5. 痛經,提前絕經,更有不孕不育等虛寒性的疾病及其他婦科問題。
美國河洛醫科大學楊磊 Philip Yang L.Ac
Add: 441 De Guigne Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94085