Sincewinter 2017 till spring 2018, Fluenza has been attacking millions of people in the America. There were 40,414 deaths in the U.S. during the third week of 2018, the most recent data available, and 4,064 were from pneumonia or influenza, according to the CDC data. The number for that week is expected to rise more reports are sent to the agency.
Why the flu is so aggressive this year? The virus type changes every year, it is hard to prevent, flu shot H1N1 and this year H3N2 vaccine is also applied, but the effectiveness has been dropped from 36% down to 25%, according to the most recent report.
By the treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the traditional herbal formula Cinnamon Twigs Decoction (Gui Zhi Tang) is not working, either if it is combined with other herbs. After scrutinized clinical research, we found the typical virus of this season attacks both our Energy supplier (stomach and spleen) and Defence system (lungs). Before, the virus attacked our defence system only, which means they use “traditional weapons” to attack our borders only, this year they use more advanced “missiles” to attack our suppliers inland as well. Fortunately, TCM has another “Missile Defense System” --NMD: Intensive Moxa and Navel Needling, it is super effective, after one session ( 1 hour), the symptom improve 50%, it takes average 3 sessions to clear all the symptoms, plus necessary herbs to strengthen the effect. In the past two months, among 50 flu patients, the effectiveness has been 95%.
Other key point to prevent from catching flu:
Avoid freezing food or drinks, such as ice water, fruits just get out from refrigerator, etc., it is better take warm food, at least it is room temperature.
Sleeping on time, before 11:00 PM, don’t stay too late, which is again the bio-clock system, and it weaken our immunity.
Take herbs, moxa, acupuncture as prevention regularly, even you are recovered from flu.
Take more fresh ginger in any form, tea, soup , etc.
Mrs Tien, Female, 82 years old, she lives in Asia, she was sent to ER for ten days due to pneumonia, and she was transferred from one hospital to another in January 2, 2018. After another week, an official notice was sent to her family members, the hospital would give up any treatment, due to her heart failure, kidneys failure, and 3-4 of her lungs were full of fluid, she lost her consciousness for five days.
Remotely, Dr Yang prescribed two herbal formulas for her from US remotely, after three days, she woke up, and now she can eat, walk and talk. The doctors said it was not possible, because all the vitals signs indicated she was dying, but everything reversed!
中藥預防感冒方:黃芪 15克,黨蔘 15克,大棗7枚,防風 12克。
已經患感冒者,上方合用桂枝湯:桂枝 12克, 白芍 12克, 生薑5片,炙甘草9克。
河洛醫科大學 楊磊 醫師 (408)733-6678