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Classical Chinese Medicine Originates from He Luo 國學醫藥出河洛

Updated: Aug 30

Chinese classical studies include the Four Books and Five Classics, Tang poetry, Song lyrics, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and cultural arts. TCM and herbal medicine represent the essence of traditional Chinese medical practices, and acupuncture and herbal medicine have become significant components of global medical science. They are also poised to become integral parts of the healthcare systems in the United States and other countries around the world.

The term "He Luo" originates from the "River Map and Luo Book," which are foundational texts of the "I Ching." The Five Elements theory in TCM is derived from these ancient texts.

The "Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic" describes the directions and their corresponding elements in the human body: North is associated with Water and the Kidneys; South with Fire and the Heart; East with Wood and the Liver; and West with Metal and the Lungs.

In TCM, the Kidneys are said to control the bones, and strong kidneys lead to strong skeletal development. Northern people, often tall and strong, are commonly athletes. The South, associated with the Heart and Fire, is linked to intelligence and agility, explaining why Southern people are often successful in business and global ventures. Westerners, especially those from Xinjiang, have prominent noses, reflecting lung function, while the West’s Qin opera is known for its mournful tones. Eastern people, associated with the Liver and Wood, are often bold and straightforward.

Practical Nine Palaces and Eight Winds Chart

This chart combines the annual seasonal cycles and the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches into a practical tool:

In the chart:

  • Jia corresponds to Gallbladder, Yi to Liver, Bing to Small Intestine

  • Ding to Heart, Wu to Stomach, Ji to Spleen

  • Geng to Large Intestine, Xin to Lungs

  • Ren to Bladder, Gui to Kidneys

California University - Silicon Valley respects the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, integrating it with Western medical practices to innovate unique and effective methods such as "Spinal Diagnosis," "Holographic Needling," "He Luo Tuina Techniques," "He Luo Needling," and "He Luo Formula Medicine." These approaches significantly enhance clinical outcomes, providing graduates with specialized skills to better serve patients and succeed in their careers. Our clinical practice and free medical consultations often showcase the immediate effects of Holographic Needling, reducing pain from conditions like migraines, trigeminal neuralgia, lower back pain, and menstrual cramps with just a few needles. It is particularly effective for chronic cold conditions and low immunity, revitalizing patients with tailored treatments. Hence, the He Luo approach is highly praised by both students and patients, with those who study diligently gaining profound insights.

California University - Silicon Valley is a non-profit institution. He Luo faculty and students frequently serve the community, hosting free lectures and medical consultations. The university also operates the first mobile clinic in the U.S., providing better community service. Interns have the opportunity to work in various communities, gaining hands-on experience and ensuring effective treatment. This practical experience is a key challenge that enhances their skills.

Who Should Study TCM?

  1. Career Changers - Engineers, corporate employees, and others seeking a new career path may find TCM an excellent choice. With a specialized skill set, one can open their own practice or be employed independently. TCM is not age-restricted; experience is valued, and it offers job security against layoffs. In the U.S., more hospitals and institutions, like Kaiser Permanente, Veterans Hospitals, and Stanford University Hospital, are establishing TCM departments. Major companies, such as Apple, Google, and Facebook, have their own acupuncture departments, offering attractive employment benefits. Those with TCM expertise, confidence, and language skills will find ample opportunities.

  2. Health Enthusiasts - People who value health, cherish life, and care for others are drawn to TCM. The "Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic" emphasizes the importance of understanding natural laws and preventive care to maintain health. TCM excels in "preventive medicine" and is often chosen by those who wish to avoid illness through lifestyle and daily habits. Courses related to health preservation, such as meridian studies, herbal medicine, and diagnostic techniques, help students integrate these practices into their daily lives.

  3. Those with Personal Interest - Some are drawn to TCM out of interest in philosophy, literature, medicine, or science. TCM encompasses all these aspects, with its elegant language comparable to literature. Many TCM practitioners, like Zhang Zhongjing, started as scholars before dedicating themselves to medicine. TCM texts are renowned for their beauty and depth, likened to music. California University - Silicon Valley also attracts individuals with refined tastes who appreciate the rich heritage of TCM.

California University - Silicon Valley Philip Yang

441 De Guigne Dr. Ste #101, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

+1 (408) 523-1228





  中醫講腎主骨,技巧出焉。腎臟強骨骼必發達。北方人身高體健,出運動員。南為離火,為心,中醫講「心主神明」,即大腦聰明,思維敏捷。南方人作 生意靈活、靠聰明漂洋過海,闖蕩世界,世界上華人富翁多是南方人。西屬肺金,中醫講「肺開竅於鼻」,所以鼻子大小可以斷定肺功能。中國新疆人,乃至西方洋 人的鼻子很發達。「肺又主悲」,西北的秦腔很是悲悲切切。東為肝木,肝主膽略,也主怒。東北、山東人膽子大,性格直爽。


  實用九宮八風圖 在九宮圖上加進一年節氣和干支,就成為另一種實用圖——





  加州大學-硅谷尊重傳統中醫藥學的本質機理,與西醫學有機結合,不斷創新,形成獨有特效的“脊椎診斷學”,“全息針法”,“河洛推拿手法”,“河洛針法”,“河洛之數方藥法”,大大增強了臨床效果,使我們的畢業生都有一技專長,更好的服務患者, 也就更易把握就业或開自己的診所。每次義診時和我們學校的臨床上,最能體現“全息針法的”立竿見影之效,偏頭痛,甚至三叉神經痛,腰腿痛,痛經只需一至兩針,五分鐘內疼痛明顯減少,牙痛更是1分鐘見效。慢性虛寒,免疫力低下而多病,虛不受補的患者,“全息針法”,加“河洛針法”和“河洛推拿手法”,可以再現您的“青春活力”。所以河洛的教學,深受學生和患者的好評。只有認真學習的人,才“深知其味”。

  加州大學-硅谷是非牟利機構,河洛師生經常服務社區,經常舉辦免費講座和義診,並擁有全美中醫學院第一個巡迴義診車,以便更好的服務社區, 我校的實習生可以到不同的社區為眾多不同的人群診療,所以,河洛的實習生非常喜歡巡迴義診,親自動手,全面診斷和治療患者,並且要保障治療效果,如果沒有效果,病人下次就不來了,所以義診是對學生能力的挑戰,而能力就是在這時促成的。



1. 職業轉換-包括工程師,大公司職員等,安排下一個事業歸宿,中醫是最佳選擇之一。因為,學習中醫只要具備一技之長,就可以獨立開業,或被聘請,而且不受年龄局限,越老越有經驗,不怕被公司辭職(lay off);  請看以下美國的中醫就業走向:

  1. 美國越來越多的醫院,機構都在請中醫師,最先是凱撒(Kaiser Permanate), 設立有針灸部,接著,美國退伍軍人醫院,海軍醫院都已專門設立中醫分部;斯坦福大學醫院有針灸專科;哈佛大學附屬醫院有中醫研究和門診部等。

  2. 遊船:大的遊船(cruise)都設有針灸部,職員被高薪聘請,做半年,休半年,而且同時可以到處遊山玩水。

  3. 大公司,如蘋果(Apple),谷歌(Google),臉書(Facebook)等,都設有自己的針灸部門,服務員工,中醫師自然就享有大公司相應的員工待遇。


 2. 注重養生,珍惜生命,愛己及人的人



     天地間最珍貴的莫過於人的生命,而要保全性命,必須知道大自然變化的規律,以及養生之道,不然,疾病悄悄生起,自己不知道,到了知覺的時候為時已晚。所以,《內經》特別強調「治未病」,也就是預防醫學。中醫是最善於「知未病」 而且「治未病」的。所以河洛醫科大學不乏為養生而學習中醫的「先賢之士」。他們知道生病自己痛苦還會連累家人,金錢再多也買不到幸福,只有靠自己養生,而養生本應該是「家常便飯」,每日的習慣就是養生,生病後已不再是養生了,是「養病」。所以有人說,聰明人花小錢「養生命」,本末倒置的人就要花大錢“養醫生”。







3. 純屬興趣

   有人愛好哲學,有人愛好文學,有人愛好醫學,有人愛好科學,有人愛好音樂等,中醫則兼具這一切。中醫的文字之優美勘比文學,因為,中醫的許多大家都是文學家棄文從醫的,譬如張仲景本為文人從政,後專注醫學成為一代醫聖。後來的王叔和,葉天使,吳菊通等,都是博覽群書的文人醫家。所以中醫的文字特別優美,美的如音樂一般,尤其古文。(宋)蘇軾. 講:腹有詩書氣自華,讀書萬卷始通神。 ... 讀書譬如飲食,從容咀嚼,其味必長;大嚼大咀,終不知味也。河洛醫科大學也會遇到修養有道的“文人雅士”在學中醫。


加州大學-矽谷  楊磊 

441 De Guigne Dr. Ste #101, Sunnyvale, CA 94085​

+1 (408) 523-1228


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